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Open source research on unified field theory, Plasmoids, Vortex Based Maths, soil science, radiant power, neuroscience and the energy systems of the human body. And all the other fields of science.

Form and Function of Harmonic Fractal Maths in Sacred Geometry | The Master Key

This is the programming language of the holographic machine. Our Universe or Multiverse.In this video we explore the forms and functions of our iconic numerals and common mathematical operation signs. I show how we can use geometry to gain a new perspective on how numbers function and harmonise.These functions can be used to re-construct Malcolm […]

Decrypting the Secrets of Chess | Find VBM & the PUM in the Ancient Game

In this video we delve into my own hypothesis on what the ancient game of chess was really designed to teach. We investigate how the form and function of the chessboard and it’s pieces can be used to demonstrate harmonic mathematical operations and I show how what we learn can be utilised in understanding some […]