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Open source research on unified field theory, Plasmoids, Vortex Based Maths, soil science, radiant power, neuroscience and the energy systems of the human body. And all the other fields of science.


Free and open source files - enjoy!


All of these files are free and open source. You may use or alter them in any way. The designs cannot be patented.

Credit to the designer when using the files is appreciated – Emma, Alchemical Science.

Vortex Based Maths Toroid Monograph 
Originally rediscovered by Marco Rodin

PSD – Numbers and geometry in seperate layers – DOWNLOAD

Rodin Coils

**IMPORTANT** The Rodin Coil designs come calculated in two different ways.
The “9 channel” designs are frames calculated most accurately to the results derived using VBM (based on the work of Marko Rodin, Tom Barnett, Andrew Sprock and others).
The “Single channel” designs slightly offset the correct VBM based equations to produce a coil that can be wound in the toroidal design with a single length of wire. This is the more common Rodin coil configuration that most people experiment with. It uses the same sized 3D printed formers but adds either an extra hole to the formers or adds one extra former (and the 3D printed ring is also adjusted accordingly to host the extra former).

Individual Coil – Third Order Coils Frames

Plant EEG – Capture Biofeedback Signals from Plants

 – Project Box STL for EXG-Pill + Arduino Mega – DOWNLOAD